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Welcome to fund-max.org

The World's Leading Cryptocurrency Investment services.

fund-max makes it safe and easy to invest crypto worldwide.


Reliable, Simple & Innovative

We are number one source for all things crypto. We belive that everyone should have an unmetered access to explore the wonderful world of crypto with all of its benefits. We're dedicated to providing you the very best of cryptocurrency based investment. Our platform provides world class crypto investment stability by maintaining full reserves, healthy investment relationships and the highest standards of legal compliance. Earning the trust of our clients has always been our highest priority. We earn that trust through the best security in the business — Our digital assets are held safely in cold wallets so bad actors can't reach it. We also pair our global 24/7/365 live chat with an extensive Support Center to help ensure your questions are answered and your needs are met around the clock -- no matter who or where you are.

Enjoy Amazing Benefits on Our Platform

Fast & Secure

We’ve built some of the world’s most sophisticated Crypto security systems and have never been compromised.

No Hidden fees

We are a transparent and vision driven company, we make your Crypto experience the best one.

Protected by insurance

Cryptocurrency stored on our servers is covered by our insurance policy.

Profit Driven

Our expert team has worked all over the world for top finance companies. Plus we’re backed by some of the world's top investors.

We are Versertile

fund-max supports a variety of the most popular digital currencies.

Bitcoin (BTC)
Bitcoin Cash(BCH)
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum classisc (ETC)
Litecoin (LTC)
USD coin (USC)

Our Investment Plans



  • Max. Investment = $3500 Min. Investment = $100 After 24 hours



  • Max. Investment = $4000 Min. Investment = $9000 After 48 hours



  • Max. Investment = $20000 Min. Investment = $9100 After 96 hours



  • Max. Investment = $100000 Min. Investment = $20100 After 168 hours

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fund-max helps you invest and recieve loan in three easy steps

Recent Transactions

Most recent deposits
Becki Redner ($140)
Buffy Roberie ($80)
Alejandro Lupo ($23)
Stephania Kucera ($15)
Rebecka Damron ($125)
Most recent withdraws
Arden Coby ($170)
Margarett Pepper ($500)
Raleigh Motsinger ($1420)
Joan Catt ($566)
Luz Motsinger ($1420)

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What is bitcoin & how does it work?


Here’s what our customers have to say

"What an excellent service. Thank you very much, I really recommend fund-max"

Julian T.

"I feel your company provides a good value. The process was simple, and fair."

Susan P.

"It was quick and easy to use. I would recommend it to others, thanks so much."

Ken F.

Our Certificates